About Kamchatka
General information
Centre: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
Population– 322000 people.
Petropavlovsk and Moscow have 9-hour time difference.
Clearance for visit: is not demanded.
The cost of meals: from 300 rubles (lunch in the café), from 600 rubles (lunch, dinner in the restaurant, alcohol excluded).
Taxi: from 150 to 700 rubles along Petropavlovsk, from 1000 rubles – Petropavlovsk – Elizovo.
Bus: the cost of the ticket along the town is 25 rubles per person, from 40 rubles (interurban).
Location and climate
Kamchatsky region is located in the north-east of country and is nearly 472,3 square km. A part of country, Kamchatka peninsula and Komandorsky islands are in the Kamchatsky region. The extreme southern point is Lopatka Cape (50°57’ n.l.), the extreme northern ones is near Arctic Circle (65° n.l.). In the south Kamchatka borders with Kuril Island, in the north and north-west borders with Chukotka and Magadanskaya region. It is washed by Pacific Ocean in the east, by Beringovo Sea in the north-east, by Okhotskoye Sea in the west.
Kamchatka is one of some regions of active volcanism. Besides, Kamchatka with its numerous volcanoes is one the chains of famous Pacific Ring of Fire. Mountains take more than 70% of territory. There are more than 300 extinct volcanoes and 29 active.
The largest mountain structures, formed predominantly by ancient rocks, are Sredinny and Vostochny Ranges. Sredinny Range (nearly 900 km) is stretched along whole peninsula in north-eastern direction. The highest point is Ichinsky volcano (3621 m). Vostochny Range is less extended (nearly 850 km), but it is presented by hundred of high-power volcanoes, 28 of them are active and 6 are the most active (Mutnovsky, Avachinsky, Karymsky, Klyuchevskoy, Bezymyanny and Shiveluch volcanoes). Klyuchevskoy is the highest active volcano in Eurasi, and the highest point of Kamchatka (4835 m).
Volcanic activity shows itself not only in eruptions. There are 274 mineral springs with the temperature from +12 to 100 °C for those who likes “hot” feelings.
Climate of the peninsula is oceanic and mild. It is characterized with big amount of precipitations up to 2000 mm per year (the height of snow cover reaches 2,5 – 3 meters) and long frost-free period – up to 140 days. Average temperature in January is -16,4°C, in July is +13°C.
Flora and fauna
Flora and fauna of Kamchatka is notable for amazing variety. It is connected with diversity of landscapes and several climate zones. The nature saves its primeval view in the places where the civilization doesn`t reach.
There are 918 species of animals, birds and fish in Kamchatka. Bear, moose, reindeer and bighorn provoke the deepest interest, also you can meet here wolverine. No doubt, bear is a king of Kamchatka`s fauna. The distinction is an absence of reptiles and amphibian (snakes and frogs). Only tritons live here. All species of Pacific salmon is in the basins of peninsula (king salmon, red salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon) and a lot of other fish (loach, grayling). Deep lakes and quick rivers promise good fishing. Flora of Kamchatka is also interesting. About 1166 species of plants grow here. It is not very numerous in comparison with other regions. The period of blossom runs very quickly because of the short summer (somewhere snow lies till June, frost may be in September. That is why you can observe in 2 months how different flowers and herbs change each other (from willow-herb to small wild gold-daisies. Tall grasses, reaching height up to 3 meters, are one of the distinctions of Kamchatka`s flora. They are located in the valleys of rivers and creeks, ravines, slopes, in the places near subterranean waters.